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Osteopathy during pregnancy

During pregnancy, changes within the body such as softening of ligaments, weight increase and changes in posture can lead to additional pressure on muscles and joints. These natural physical changes are not always comfortable, and many commonly used pain medications are often not recommended for a pregnant or breast feeding mother. Osteopathic treatment may offer an alternative approach to help alleviate the pain of common conditions such as:

  • Generalised muscular back pain, either during pregnancy or post-delivery.

  • Headaches arising from problems in the neck

  • SPD (Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction) – pain or discomfort in the joint at the front of the pelvis

  • Sacroiliac Joint pain – occurring in the lower back and back of the pelvis

  • Sciatica and leg pain (neuralgia) associated with back pain

  • Hip, knee and ankle pain

  • Rib and thoracic spinal problems

  • Cramp and muscle spasms

Osteopaths are trained to screen for medical conditions and will tell you if you need to see another health professional such as your doctor, midwife or health visitor.

How Nick works

The first consultation lasts for up to one hour where a full case history is taken, followed by a thorough postural and movement evaluation. Once a diagnosis is reached, Nick will discuss with you the most appropriate options relating to your care. If osteopathic treatment is felt to be appropriate, with your consent, a wide range of gentle manual techniques may be used.

Treatment is tailored specifically for the individual and advice is given about how you can best help yourself to improve the problem and alleviate symptoms. Stretching, strengthening or mobility exercises may be prescribed, as well as advice on posture, diet, ergonomics and lifestyle.

Patients may be referred by their GP or can make an appointment with Nick independently without referral, by calling the clinic.

Nick Steele Osteopath

Master of Osteopathic Medicine

Bachelor of Clinical Science

Nick Steele is a structural and cranial osteopath, registered with the General Osteopathic Council. Appointments can be made by contacting Newquay Osteopaths on 01637878645. More information can be found at

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